DMOZ Launched in 1998, The Open Directory Project, also known as DMOZ ( is a popular free website directory owned by Netscape and widely considered the most important web directory to be listed on. DMOZ is maintained by a community of volunteer editors and site submissions to DMOZ generally have a long review period with no listing guarantee. The most important factor in getting a site listed on DMOZ is adhering to their submission guidelines, most importantly selecting the correct category and providing an objective description. Listed on our DMOZ submission services sub-category are several DMOZ listing services that properly submit listings according to the DMOZ submission guidelines on their clients behalf and can increase the chance of getting a website listed on DMOZ.
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Date Listed: 

April 24, 2012




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Launched in 1998, The Open Directory Project, also known as DMOZ ( is a popular free website directory owned by Netscape and widely considered the most important web directory to be listed on. DMOZ is maintained by a community of volunteer editors and site submissions to DMOZ generally have a long review period with no listing guarantee. The most important factor in getting a site listed on DMOZ is adhering to their submission guidelines, most importantly selecting the correct category and providing an objective description. Listed on our DMOZ submission services sub-category are several DMOZ listing services that properly submit listings according to the DMOZ submission guidelines on their clients behalf and can increase the chance of getting a website listed on DMOZ. More

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the Open Directory Project

Business Name:

Netscape (Aol)

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